Town Board

Cecil Logterman, Chairperson

(262) 374-1329

Cecil Logterman presides over the Town Board meeting which are held on the first Tuesday of every month.
Term Expires April 2025


Dale Wheelock, Supervisor

(262) 882-3633

Term Expires April 2025
Board of Review


Cline ‘Bud’ Wojcik, Supervisor

(262) 882-3393

Term Expires April 2025
Board of Review, Plan Commission Vice-Chairperson, and Weed Commissioner

Rich Keyzer, Supervisor

(262) 882-3393

Term Expires April 2026
Board of Review, Finance Committee, and Park Committee Vice Chairperson


Kevin Schutt, Supervisor

(262) 882-3393

Term Expires April 2026
Board of Review, Public Works, Park Committee Chairperson and Plan Commission Chairperson
