NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public hearing will be conducted by the Town Board of the Town of Darien, Wisconsin , (the “Town Board”) on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, beginning at 4:00 p.m. at the Darien Town Hall, located at N2826 Foundry Road, Darien Wisconsin, to consider a proposed amendment to a Multi-Jurisdictional Comprehensive Plan for Walworth County: 2050 as revised the Comprehensive Plan”). The purpose of the public comments on the proposed amendment,
An application has been filed in the name of Joan Coehoon requeting an amendment to the land use map adopted part of the Comprehensive Plan. Specifically, the application seeks a change to the present land use designation part of Tax Parcel No. B D 2700008 from “Prime Agricultural to Industrial”.
The public may review copies of the application and Comprehensive Plan at the Darien Town Hall during regular Town Office hours. Interested parties may make arrangements to contact the Town Clerk/Treasurer to obtain a copy of the application at 262 882 3393 [email protected]
During the Public Hearing, the public is invited to speak on the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Written comments may be submitted to the Town Clerk/Treasurer at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 and shall become part of the record.
Upon the close of the Public Hearing, a meeting of the Town Board shall be called to order and the application shall be addressed per the agenda.
By Marilyn S. Larson Town Clerk/Treasuer